RESPAWN 2016 says bye bye and thank you <3
Respawn 2016 has ended after two days packed with talks, meetings and parties. About 1,500 visitors made this the most successfull edition of RESPAWN so far. Some of the highlights were panel discussions with Fleur Marty (Eidos Montreal), Chet Faliszek (Valve), Klaas Kersting (flaregames), Hannes Seifert (IO Interactive) and Dr. Fasih Sayins lecture about storytelling in VR.
RESPAWN also extended its area. In addition to the DOCK.ONE, where most of the conference program and the exhibition space were located, we offered a business center for Meetings, the IDGA Mentor Café and the GAME Law Clinic in the close-by located Harbour Club. Pitch & Match was a huge success, with nearly 500 scheduled meetings.
Save the Date!
Finally, a short outlook to 2017. RESPAWN’s next edtion will take place an August 20 and 21! We want to thank everyone who was involved with us this year, and look forward to seeing you soon!
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All photos © Uwe Völkner (Fotoagentur FOX). Photos are free to use when credited.